
Several of you have asked about paying us for your stay here.  While there are, indeed, some costs associated with maintaining Lizzie’s Condo, we would be maintaining the Condo even if we were the only ones staying here.  But it gives us more pleasure than you can imagine to be able to share this gift with our dear friends and family.  So…if you feel the need to give something back, leave a box of your favorite tea (loose or tea bags), a couple rolls of paper towels, a bottle of wine, a Kleenex box or two, a contribution to the utilities fund (in the jar labeled "cold cash," which is in the fridge), a donation to your favorite cause, or simply pay it forward.

Hope you enjoyed your time here.  Please sign the "Guest Book," and if the muse strikes you, jot down some impressions--things you enjoyed, found fascinating, and so on....  The Guest Book is on the TV table.

Come again

